We get together to fight against the war.] People's Daily and People's Daily reported that Acome has contributed to the fight against the epidemic.
Release time:2020-11-24

Novel Coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work touches everyone's heart. Acome has been in the first place since the outbreak of the epidemic. In order to alleviate the shortage of new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control materials and the care and coordination of the district government and Ganquan street, we changed the garment production line to the production line of the separation service needed for epidemic prevention at the first time of the Spring Festival. More than 1000 employees of the company took turns 24 hours without stopping to provide materials for the epidemic prevention line. Security.

As a national camping equipment mobilization center in East China, Acome has successfully completed the emergency production of tents for relief from the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 to the emergency production of quarantine clothes needed in the epidemic area today, which all reflect the responsibility of Acome and the great love of Acome people. Contributing to epidemic prevention and control is not only a manifestation of corporate social responsibility, but also the duty bound obligation of enterprises.
